Friday, June 11, 2010

All Governments Are Planning Mass Evacuation

Governor: National Guard staging for “effort to evacuate” communities impacted by oil spill

"Baton Rouge: Governor Bobby Jindal sent the following letters to the Secretaries of the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security requesting that the Louisiana National Guard be utilized to support the oil spill response efforts under federal Title 32 status. By sending this letter, the Governor is preparing to mobilize the resources of the Louisiana National Guard and seeking reimbursement in support of their efforts being coordinated by the federal lead agencies."

"The National Guard will provide security, medical capabilities, engineers and communication support in response to this threat. Currently, our Soldiers and Airmen are staging for and are engaged in the planning of the effort to evacuate and provide security and clean up for the coastal communities expected to be impacted by the oil spill. They are engaged in the protection of vital infrastructure to include medical facilities, fuel distribution, interstate highways, water-ice distribution and power facilities which are all vital to the recovery of coastal Louisiana.
I believe these National Guard operations are necessary and appropriate to protect this region of our nation from a significant national event with potential catastrophic loss of natural resources. Louisiana is home to many federal and state military facilities including the NSA New Orleans, the operations of which could be effected."

National Guard troops prepared to evacuate Gulf residents

Benzene a credible threat, evacuation plans may go in effect

Florida Gulf oil spill: Plans to evacuate Tampa Bay area are in place

Gulf Coast Evacuation Contingency Plans Soon to Go Operational? - christopath caution with this one, but sweet jeebus this is a catastrophe of biblical proportion


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