Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just Repeat It To Yourself And It Will Be So

China Agrees to Work With U.S. on Iran Sanctions

"WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama's nuclear summit has paid early dividends: China's agreement to work with the U.S. on possible sanctions against Iran..."

Obama's Quest for Iran Sanctions: China Says No

"The Associated Press reported April 13 that China has said economic sanctions against Iran are not the answer to Tehran's nuclear standoff with the west."

U.S.: Russia Adoptions Not Suspended

"The U.S. State Department says there has been no suspension of adoptions of Russian children by Americans."

Russia says it's suspending all adoptions to U.S. families

"MOSCOW -- Russia has suspended all adoptions to U.S. families until the two countries can agree on procedures."

How Bush's man at Fox News worked to shape the outcome of the US election

"In the early morning hours of November 8, Fox News Channel declared that the pivotal state of Florida had gone for George W. Bush. At 2:16 a.m. Fox announced that the Texas governor had won the state, thus securing the 271 electoral votes needed to win the presidential election. The other television networks followed suit in a matter of minutes. The call was subsequently withdrawn, and to date the Florida outcome remains undecided."

There's no place like home. There's no place like home.


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