Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Flu Finale Far From Fearsome, Fundamentally Fizzles

We knew it all along. The truth was there since last spring but only now MSM gets it. Notice how we're still encouraged to take their vaccinations.

Flu pandemic could be mild

"With the second wave of H1N1 infections having crested in the United States, leading epidemiologists are predicting that the pandemic could end up ranking as the mildest since modern medicine began documenting influenza outbreaks.
Experts warn that the flu is notoriously unpredictable, but several recent analyses, including one released late Monday, indicate that the death toll is likely to be far lower than the number of fatalities caused by past pandemics."

H1N1 pandemic ending with a whimper, not a bang

"But, "there was never any evidence, not from Day 1, and not anytime since, that this strain of flu was going to be a particularly dangerous strain, either in terms of its capacity to make people sick or its capacity to kill people," says Alcabes, associate professor in urban public health at Hunter College's School of Health Sciences in the City University of New York.


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