Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Propaganda Pandemic Continues As Syringes Arrive

CDC: 99 Percent Of Current Flu Cases Could Be H1N1

"LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- A local school closed its doors for the weekend early as many students came down with flu-like symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said what it is seeing the most is not the seasonal flu.
The CDC and local officials said possibly 99 percent of the cases of flu like symptoms are not seasonal flu, it's the H1N1 virus

It's so pervasive that many medical facilities don't even test for it. They expect it's the H1N1 strain. With the flu season not even in its peak is this the calm before the storm?"

This couldn't be more obvious. Google swine flu and the shrill fearmongering is at it's peak insisting the disease is gonna get you and the demand is overwhelming to take the vaccine. Notice how they want you to think any sniffle will automatically mean swine? Remember this headline last July?
CDC Stops Official Count Of U.S. Swine Flu Deaths
Now they're not even going to test for it anymore, one more step further to keep us in the dark.

The Great Poisoning of America Begins, October 2009

"Yesterday, while working outside, I had my small portable radio tuned to ABC, 790 AM. I heard Tim Conway, Junior, son of comedian Tim Conway, blather on endlessly about how dangerous and deadly the Swine Flu "outbreak" was and how very IMPORTANT it was to "protect" yourself and your family from being stricken dead by this killer flu and to get your Swine flu shot as soon as possible. While it was "necessary" to vaccinate health care workers, pregnant women, and school children FIRST, "there should be enough" vaccine available to cover everybody, so "just be patient" if you can't get your vaccination right away. "I care most about my family", he said, and "want them" vaccinated first, but 'I care about you too, the listener, and want you around as well".
So, do as Tim Conway Jr does and get yourself inoculated with a lethal cocktail of toxins and patented bio-weaponized germs with immune system-crippling adjuvant, so you can "protect" yourself.
Thank you Tim Conway, Jr., you lying, brain-washed, worthless son-of -a -bitch.
Earlier in the day, I also heard the greatest outlet of Tavistock propaganda on radio, NPR (National Public Radio), tell me that the first million (or two million or four million?) doses of Swine Flu vaccine have "just" arrived in Los Angeles in the "nick" of time for the beginning of the school year, so there will be adequate Swine flu vaccine available "for all of Los Angeles' school children."
Isn't that wonderful? Good News always seem to come in bucket loads on Sundays for some reason!
Are media whores, propagandizing on behalf of pharmaceutical companies and their whores in government, any less guilty of crippling and killing innocent people than the vaccine manufacturers themselves? Are they any less guilty than the Fort Detrick research team under Dr Jeffrey Taubenberger who went up to Alaska to retrieve DNA samples in 1997 in order to use it to map and REPLICATE the 1918 Spanish Flu virus, and THEN develop it into an even DEADLIER strain that eventually becomes part of the Swine flu vaccine cocktail?
I don't think so."


Anonymous nick z said...

The CDC and local officials said possibly 99 percent of the cases of flu like symptoms are not seasonal flu, it's the H1N1 virus.

Do they have absolute proof of this possibility or are they just making a wild guess with the hopes of cashing in on the profits?

6/10/09 2:06 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

In my view the purpose of the hype is to make all disease 'swine flu' just like making all resistence to fascism 'Al Qaeda'.

6/10/09 6:36 PM  
Anonymous nick z said...

Yep, that's what they're doing. Hmm... I got a slight head cold due to the change of temperatures from summer-hot to autumn-cold. Does that mean I got the Swine Flu, Mr. Police-doctor?

7/10/09 8:13 AM  
Anonymous constant gina said...

H1N1 is going to be the updated version of the common cold where there is no cure just major suppression through medicine.

8/10/09 8:34 AM  

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