Sunday, September 13, 2009

They Want You To Think They Own Your Body

Drawing Blood Will Help Stop Drunk Driving, Police Say

"BOISE, Idaho — When police officer Darryll Dowell is on patrol in the southwestern Idaho city of Nampa, he'll pull up at a stoplight and usually start casing the vehicle. Nowadays, his eyes will also focus on the driver's arms, as he tries to search for a plump, bouncy vein.
"I was looking at people's arms and hands, thinking, 'I could draw from that,'" Dowell said.
It's all part of training he and a select cadre of officers in Idaho and Texas have received in recent months to draw blood from those suspected of drunken or drugged driving. The federal program's aim is to determine if blood draws by cops can be an effective tool against drunk drivers and aid in their prosecution.
If the results seem promising after a year or two, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will encourage police nationwide to undergo similar training.
For years, defense attorneys in Idaho advised clients to always refuse breath tests, Ada County Deputy Prosecutor Christine Starr said. When the state toughened the penalties for refusing the tests a few years ago, the problem lessened, but it's still the main reason that drunk driving cases go to trial in the Boise region, Starr said."

This is Faux, so the "problem" is making it harder for thug cops and the police state to make your life more miserable.

The fact is that nothing police will do will stop any behavior. Putting thousands of CCTV cameras up to monitor citizens doesn't stop behavior. Gun control doesn't stop behavior. Arbitrarily declaring something illegal doesn't stop behavior.
The police state knows more and more people are on to their fascist game. There's a very good reason why people don't take breathalyzer tests aside from avoiding disgustingly punitive penalties for having a little alcohol in their systems:

Forcibly restraining you and violently drawing your blood without your permission is tantamount to rape but this is a fascist police state where anything the state does is now permissible, according to their thug philosophy. Thug philosophy doesn't acknowledge any constitution and it's fourth amendment. The state doesn't believe your body belongs to you and their arbitrary demands trump your inviolable rights. Thug philosophy only believes in it's own primacy and brute force. Anybody who objects to this criminal perversion deserves summarily violent punishment, according to the thugs.
Which is why free people should never allow fascist minions to take blood from your vein, or stick a needle in your body for whatever reason. My resistance means up to and including using deadly force to prevent them from doing so. And it won't take more than a few instances of that defence of personal freedom to stop them from ever trying it again.


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