Tuesday, September 01, 2009

...The More They Remain The Same

Of course war criminals always want more toys to play with. And with absolutely no logical reason for the US military to be in Afghanistan and zero oversight the psychos can have a field day playing mass murderer.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal Delivers Review of U.S. Operation in Afghanistan

"Gen. Stanley McChrystal released his assessment of the current Afghanistan war strategy on Monday, calling for a new strategy that focuses on protecting civilians and relies more on Afghan forces. While his assessment did not include a specific request for more troops, he is soon expected to ask for a substantial increase in the military force there."

Let's parse out his review a little.

"strategy that focuses on protecting civilians" - In Vietnam they implemented the "strategic hamlet" program that was to forcibly relocate millions of civilians into concentration camps for their own protection. Their villages were often burned down before their eyes. "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."

"relies more on Afghan forces" - Vietnamization was a propaganda talking point the war criminals began using in 1969 to make it seem like it seem like the US was phasing out it's military presense. This is an ever recurring propaganda lie for the mouthbreathers at home.

"substantial increase in the military force there" - "McNamara later admitted that he knew early on that the United States would not prevail in Vietnam, and yet he continued to pour more troops..."Fog of War"


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