"A Little Walt Disney To Protect A Cop"
"Creative Minds"
A cop rear ends a car and makes it all seem like the other driver's fault. Only trouble is a microphone catches officer mastermind cooking up the phony story with another cop. Video isn't embeddable.
A cop rear ends a car and makes it all seem like the other driver's fault. Only trouble is a microphone catches officer mastermind cooking up the phony story with another cop. Video isn't embeddable.
Here in the little redneck town where I live, Walt Disney is alive and well too.
A drunk off-duty city cop ran over a disabled person in a cross-walk and all he got was 6 months time served and rehab.
Then he got another city job and retained his retirement benefits with no loss in time.
Good ol' boy fascism, that's the ticket!
Unfortunately the effort these days is to portray cops as infallible saints rather than fellow human beings.
We all know where that's leading.
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