Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Our Master's Voice

Israel tells the US to ramp up the violence in Afghanistan. Remember that AQ is an imaginary enemy set up by the CIA.

'Hidden general' to fight al-Qaeda

"WHEN a super-secret US military "black ops" squad helped engineer an attack on a hut near the Iraqi city of Baqouba in 2006, its commander, a three-star general, went with his men to identify the body of their target: the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
On Monday the general, Stanley McChrystal, was appointed to head the US forces in Afghanistan, a sudden switch that signals the US wants to drive its counterinsurgency efforts in the war-torn nation much, much harder."

Obama "acts quickly" for Israel lobby on Syria sanctions

"U.S. President Barack Obama issued a statement on May 8 calling for the renewal of sanctions on Syria, which were set to expire on Monday."

Netanyahu will declare to Obama that Israeli settlements will expand

"Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will tell U.S. President Barack Obama next week that Israel wants to keep building in existing settlements in the occupied West Bank, a senior aide told AFP Tuesday.
The decision could mark a new bone of contention between the hawkish premier and the U.S., which has called for Israel to stop construction of settlements, one of the main obstacles in the stuttering peace process."

Note - There is no 'peace process'. There's only incessant demands by Israel to get whatever it wants at any cost. To everybody else.


Anonymous nick z. said...

Obama can go straight to hell, along with his Bush-ad buddies!

13/5/09 5:56 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Just same ol'shit with a shit eatin' grin.
Party on, Barack!

13/5/09 6:51 PM  

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