Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Didn't Take Long To Get Sick And Tired Of The Flowery Language

Obama: 'Confident of the future ... not content with the present'

"Reporting from Arnold, Mo. -- Delivering his own progress report on his first 100 days in office, President Obama today told a Missouri audience that things are turning around, but that he is "not a miracle worker" and needs more time to fix what's ailing America.The president marked his 100th day in office with a stop in what he called "the middle of America," also a battleground state that he narrowly lost in November's elections -- a place, he maintained today, where "common sense often reigns."
"You're who I'm working for every day in the White House," Obama told a cheering crowd in Fox High School's auditorium. He offered an update on an assignment that he gave Americans in his inaugural address: "I've come back to report that we have begun to pick ourselves up, and dust ourselves off."

No, shithead, when you decided not to prosecute the torturers you showed who you really work for. In my eyes you now suck big time, and I now seriously doubt you can ever regain any credibility.


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