Thursday, March 12, 2009

Wireless Cattle Prods

Wireless Tasers extend the long arm of the law

"The Taser XREP is an electrically charged dart that can be fired from up to 20 metres away with a 12-gauge shotgun. Upon impact, its barbed electrodes penetrate a victim's skin, discharging a 20-second burst of electricity to "distract, disorient and entice the subject to grab the projectile", says Taser. But grabbing the dart routes the shock through the hand, making it difficult to let go and spreading the pain further."

The trend is to disassociate goons and stooges from actually confronting the empire's dissenters. So operatives push buttons like it's a video game from thousands of miles away and their drones kill an entire Afghan wedding party. Legions of snoopers sit at their consoles remotely monitoring peoples' activities. And now the goon squads can, at a distance, electrocute protesters with taser darts that don't have to be attached to their power source.
Wow, that's cool. Except for some niggling details. Anything fired from a 12 gauge shotgun tends to zip pretty fast or it will drop to the ground pretty fast. Also using these at this new and improved distance will scatter and hit various unintended (or intended) targets such as eyeballs and gentals and babies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The main thing to remember about the Taser is that it is the absolute opposite of justice or is a throw back to the days of the rack, tar and feathering and putting a person in the town square with manacles around their neck and wrists.

Because it is so 'high tech' people are distracted that it is punishment before being found guilty. It denies due process and sets a precedent for torture.

That is why, no matter how many people protest its use, it will continue to be introduced by one police force after another. It is a de facto victory of the dark is a step backwards and a denial of basic civil liberties.

Bottom line? Justice is over but the sheeple just haven't caught on.

12/3/09 9:39 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Well put.
This "less than lethal" nonsense is simply a smokescreen tagline to accomplish what you mentioned. And it quickly rose to the top of cops' compliance pyramid after corrupt court findings and medical fraud gave them the green light.

13/3/09 7:25 AM  

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