Sunday, March 15, 2009

'New Scientist' Evolves Into Eunuch

The magazine's website pulled a story called "How to Spot a Hidden Religious Agenda" after some jeebus douchebag complained.
Here's the first paragraph:

"As a book reviews editor at New Scientist, I often come across so-called science books which after a few pages reveal themselves to be harbouring ulterior motives. I have learned to recognise clues that the author is pushing a religious agenda. As creationists in the US continue to lose court battles over attempts to have intelligent design taught as science in federally funded schools, their strategy has been forced to... well, evolve. That means ensuring that references to pseudoscientific concepts like ID are more heavily veiled. So I thought I'd share a few tips for spotting what may be religion in science's clothing."

The author goes on to expose some pseudoscientific coded phrases:

"Scientific Materialism
The invocation of Cartesian dualism
Misguided interpretations of quantum physics (also a "New Age" giveaway) The terms "Darwinism" or "Darwinist" (scientists refer to "evolution" and "biologists")
Referring to natural selection as "blind", "random" or an "undirected process


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