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"Washington -- Eight hours into their occupation of the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C., Veterans For Peace members report they have called all 40 members of the House Committee on the Judiciary, urging them to actively support impeachment hearings.
Elliott Adams, president of VFP and one of the four veterans perched on a 35-foot ledge in front of the Archives Building, said, "We called the pro-impeachment members of the Committee to give them a shot in the arm and let them know people are still very interested in impeachment hearings, and we called the rest of them to say, 'Look, the Democratic and Republican conventions are over. Let's cut the bullshit and get back on track doing your job.'" The veterans plan on maintaining their fast and occupation for 24 hours, until 8:00 am tomorrow. Update courtesy of Mike Ferner (VFP)
Elliott Adams, president of VFP and one of the four veterans perched on a 35-foot ledge in front of the Archives Building, said, "We called the pro-impeachment members of the Committee to give them a shot in the arm and let them know people are still very interested in impeachment hearings, and we called the rest of them to say, 'Look, the Democratic and Republican conventions are over. Let's cut the bullshit and get back on track doing your job.'" The veterans plan on maintaining their fast and occupation for 24 hours, until 8:00 am tomorrow. Update courtesy of Mike Ferner (VFP)
Regarding exchanges with authorities Elliott reports, "We’ve had a few more proposals of the ‘great deal’ we could get if we’d just get off the damn ledge. We respectfully declined."
No doubt about that one! The MSM really is the enemy. Hope you are doing well. best wishes as always!-Devin
Absoluteley zero mention of this on ABCCBSCNNFOX.
soooo true.
I'm sick over it all, I'm going to vote libertarian for the first time in my life. I've had enough. It's about time for a pitch-fork party to say the least.
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