It's more pitiful and sad than anything else, in a lot of ways. McCain just isn't up to this and it's more obvious by the day. Whether he's simply too tired and sick or he's had some strokes, this man shouldn't be exerting himself by trying to maintain the facade of a viable and robust potential president.
This is the audio of a Spanish reporter asking repeatedly if he'd meet with the president of Spain and McCain blabs on with some talking point about
Latin America. CNN desperately tries to cover up the fact that the republican candidate for president is a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
"CNN desperately tries to cover up the fact that the republican candidate for president is a few sandwiches short of a picnic."
LOL. Good one. But according to the conventional wisdom (sic) on the conservative blogs, not to worry: McCain will drop dead at some point in the next 4 years, and Sexy Sarah will be taking over. You know she's up to the task. She's a journalism major afterall, they are sharpies. I know that because I heard a reporter say so.
I think the "conservatives" aren't worried because the fix is in again for the election, even though Barbie's popularity is dropping like a brick and the old man has none.
You can actually surf those sites? I'm impressed at your fortitude.
Olbermann also did a great segment on this.
I'll look for it, Lesley.
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