Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Trying To Kickstart Lebanon 2.0

Here's how the always unreliable NYT spins this new murder:

Bomb in Syria Kills Militant Sought as Terrorist
"BEIRUT, Lebanon — A top Hezbollah commander long sought by the United States for his role in terrorist attacks that killed hundreds of Americans in the 1980s, died Tuesday night in Damascus, Syria, when a bomb detonated under the vehicle he was in, Syrian officials said."

The Times article also has a foreboding picture of a coffin with flowers and two guards standing next to it who the paper describe as "militants". It's typical propaganda constantly used to frame the white hats and the black hats for american dullards; you'll never see the vile MSM call US honor guards militants, for instance.

But the juicy lie is framing Hezbollah in general and this murdered man (who didn't just 'die', Times) for the bombings of an American Embassy and a Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983, most certainly carried out by zionist terrorists or their minions instead. The whole article is one huge filthy lie, just rattling off falsehoods one after another and using winking innuendo to alert the readers to how they should feel about wanton murder. Just one piece of it should be refuted before getting into the barracks bombing - Hezbollah was formed as a resistance force to expel Israeli invaders from Lebanon, a fact the Times will never refer to and of course puts it on the Bushista international terror group list.

Lebanon is a small country that Israel has repeatedly invaded and destroyed. In 1982 it invaded Lebanon and massacred 30,000 civilians and had laid siege to Beirut, surrounding it to crush the city and slaughter many more. Under international pressure American, French and Italian peacekeepers arrived to escort around 14000 Palestine Liberation forces out of the city and the country, a action that enraged Ariel Sharon and the zionists. The Multinational Force in Lebanon therefore wasn't seen by the arabs as an antagonist, but was regarded as a buffer that stopped the barbarous Israeli onslaught. After the palestinians left, so did the peacekeepers.

But the Israelis didn't care for the interference in their invasion plans. Part of the agreement to let the PLO members evacuate was that their families would later join them after remaining safely in palestinian refugee camps. Instead the zionist butchers sent their Lebanese Christian Phalangist allies into the Sabra and Shatila camps to slaughter indescriminately. Thousands of innocents were murdered in an unholy massacre. I'll let Wikipedia describe it:

"The first unit of 150 Phalangists, armed with guns, knives and hatchets entered the camps at 6:00 p.m. Immediately the unit began slitting throats, axing, shooting, and raping, often taking groups outside and lining them up for execution. During the night the Israeli forces fired illuminating flares over the camps. According to a Dutch nurse, the camp was as bright as "a sports stadium during a football game".

How thoughtful for the Israelis to allow the party to go on after dark.
Back came the international peacekeepers, a new MNF force of about 1400 marines with French paratroops and Italians. The marines were stationed at the Beirut airport.
The following year on October 23 suicide bombers in trucks drove into and blew up the marine barracks at the airport and also the French barracks in west Beirut. 299 soldiers were killed altogether.

As Wikipedia puts it "Responsibility for the two barracks blasts has not been definitely determined." But that wouldn't stop the US from subsequently declaring Hezbollah and it's sponsor Iran for the bombing. For years now that blame has been repeated over and over again just like in the Times article linked to above. No doubt Al Qaeda would be immediately blamed today.

The reasons for Israel to be behind the carnage are legion. The zionists have always been fond of false flag attacks, the let's-you-and-him-fight scenarios where they bomb a target and blame the patsies. They were and are quite capable of killing americans as evidenced by their vicious attack on the USS Liberty in 1967. The Israelis wanted the peacekeepers out of Lebanon which they considered their backyard; they didn't want interference in their plans. After the barracks blew up you would have thought Reagan would have gone medieval ballistic on the arabs in some face saving, righteous explosion but in fact aside from lobbing a few shells, nothing was done in retaliation. Also, after the bombing the marines probably recognized the real culprits when they refused Israeli medical assistance. Hezbollah has always denied responsibility for the barracks, as a matter of fact it didn't even exist until two years later in 1985.

Zionist think killing americans and blaming arabs is a cleverly devious way to enlist allies.

Suppose I'm wrong and the Israelis didn't carry out the attacks but used proxy murderers like they did against the palestinian camps. Actually the author Victor Ostrovsky in his book "By Way of Deception" says exactly that. Shiites, no doubt helped along in their endeavors much like the FBI mentors rag tag "Al Qaeda" cells, fashioned the truck bombs and the Israelis didn't bother to tell the US military about it, he maintains. Ostrovsky is an Israeli raised former Mossad officer, and "By way of deception thou shalt do war" is the Mossad motto.

But anyway, Israel isn't done with Lebanon and this new assassination is bound to elicit a retaliation of some sort, probably with much anticipation of payback for having it's ass handed to it in the summer of 2006. Israelis were advised to get their safe rooms in order to weather rocket attacks a few days ago, as if they had planned this murder and it's aftermath. The only question I have at this point is, will we see a repeat of the marine barracks explosion to help usher in their manufactured conflict?


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