Friday, December 29, 2006

Somebody They Claim Is Saddam Possibly Put To Death

A curious thing happened after Saddam Hussein was purportedly captured three years ago. After huge pressure was put on americans by the Russians, Saddam's wife, Sajida Heiralla Tuffah, was allowed to see him in captivity in Qatar.

"Well, you could have heard a pin drop all the way across Qatar. Sajida arrived from Syria with her official escort Sheikh Hamad Al-Tani, and then entered the prison, emerging only moments later pink with rage and shouting, "This is not my husband but his double. Where is my husband? Take me to my husband".
American officials rushed forward to shield Mrs Saddam from perplexed Russian observers, trying to insist that Saddam had changed a lot while in custody and she probably didn't recognise him. This was certainly not the best way to handle the Iraqi President's wife. "You think I do not know my husband?" Sajida shouted furiously, "I was married to the man for more than twenty-five years!" Then she stormed off, never to return.
This remarkable confrontation was reported by Pravda and four other newspapers in the east between 13 and 17 April, but the New York Times and others made damn sure you didn't read or hear about it in the west

Before the invasion and occupation it was well known and taken as fact that Saddam employed a bunch of look - alikes as a precaution to fool his enemies. This is Time from Oct. 7, 2002:
"A German television network reported that, as a security precaution, Saddam Hussein is using at least three doubles to make public appearances for him. The network, ZDF, based its findings on a study by a forensic pathologist who examined 450 photographs and video clips of the Iraqi President. The Saddam-alikes apparently can be spotted only through minor differences in their features and mannerisms--they may even have been surgically altered to resemble the Iraqi leader. How dependent is Saddam on these doppelgangers? The study turned up only one public appearance by the real Saddam since 1998."

When you think about the entire Iraqi spectacle and connect the dots rather than just pay attention to each propaganda stunt as it's presented to us, it becomes a vast dog and pony show. We were lied into this unholy shitheap and they never stopped lying because if they told the truth just once their whole sorry mess would unravel. Their pretend antics are presented as achievements and milestones - toppling that statue, killing his piglatin sons Ouday and Quasay, multiple elections and killing Zarqawi numerous times - are boffo extravaganzas meant to amaze us and make us think there's progress being made. Each and every one of them is suspicious as hell or an outright fraud and the most deceptive is the capture of Saddam.

Think about it. He was a multi billionaire and a player on the world stage for decades. He was a business partner and one time ally of Bushco. When the whistle blew in September 2002 to signal the media's Iraq Invasion Saturation Coverage, Saddam had months to prepare a somewhat more agreeable existance than living in a dirthole.

And then there was the 'capture' itself. Like all staged psy ops we were handed the official story and MSM outlets almost hyperventilated when reporting it. We were expected to believe that Saddam Hussein, who was meticulous in personal grooming and kept his hair short since he was young, would suddenly look like a deranged, unkempt tramp. No journalists were there and we're expected to believe known liars about the details. There's that little thing about the Kurds that doesn't fit in the initial narrative. And they have a different growing season over there - their dates ripen in December, apparently.

There's so much more wrong with this stage play. But the most damning evidence that exposes this fraud is the fact that our manipulators allowed the doppelganger to open his mouth in court. Giving his double plenty of plastic surgery to make him look like Saddam was a piece of cake. Rearranging his jaw and fixing his teeth to resemble the original immaculate set of choppers couldn't be done because he needed to be coached in sounding like the original and massive mouth surgery would have taken a long time, apparently. So they went with the teeth they had rather than the teeth the wished they had. Saddam had a normal overbite with a straight set, the imposter has/had an underbite with ragged lower teeth.
I suppose only a DNA test would expose it all. I wouldn't hold my breath.

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Blogger Laurie said...

I dunno, lipstick. That's hard for me to buy.

30/12/06 5:02 AM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

Leaving all of the evidence aside, and there's actually a lot more, there's one aspect of what we're going through that's a given for me.
We're being lied to on a massive basis all across the board. The fascists are addicted to lying, they have to lie every time they open their piehole. The false garbage is everywhere from the 19 hijackers to the collapsed buildings to corrupt elections to fake Osama tapes to the reasons for being in Iraq. It's like a game to them, to see what they can put over us next.
I've learned that since up is down and black is white, if they're claiming they executed Saddam then I'm betting he's sitting at a lakeside cottage right now sipping a cocktail with his sons.

30/12/06 6:07 AM  
Blogger Nina said...

will the real saddam please stand up???? looking at his teeth alone in the news clippings of the trial i knew this could not be the real saddam--or if it was, the pics of the past w/the overbite and white, straight teeth were stand-ins.

who the lawyer who accused rove of treason has (supposedly) committed suicide over the christmas holiday--jumped from a hotel balcony. uh huh

30/12/06 10:42 AM  
Blogger Laurie said...

Maybe it's too substantial a change in his case, but I've seen aging people lose good alignment in their teeth. Didn't they get DNA samples when they first caught him?

"now the lawyer who accused rove of treason has (supposedly) committed suicide over the christmas holiday--jumped from a hotel balcony."

Hadn't heard that, but it's disturbing. I don't really believe Hunter Thompson committed suicide, either.

30/12/06 3:56 PM  
Blogger nolocontendere said...

I hope nobody here is planning on becoming a Bush biographer, let alone a public critic or a dictator döppelganger, that profession seems to be bad for your health.

30/12/06 11:06 PM  

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