Sunday, December 10, 2006

Saudi America

By Alan Bisbort at The Smirking Chimp

"But is there a conspiracy?

You make the call. Joshua Holland has reported that in September, after the primaries were through, gas prices dropped fifty cents per gallon. Two weeks before the election, gas prices were at an annual low. One week after the election, prices rose five cents a gallon. Each week since has seen a similar rise. So that now, a month out from the election, prices seem on pace to reclaim that magic $3 per gallon figure by the new year.
It's no secret that the Saudi royal family loves the Bush family. All one need do is look at the photographs of them together, documentation that stretches back into George H.W. Bush's presidency. Grown men, swaddled in jewels and ornate headdresses holding hands with a Bush man, any Bush will do."


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